Producing, streaming, and screening movies that encourage, inspire, and have eternal significance!
We believe in the power of a testimony!
This is what we do
— Bryan Jennings, Founder
Movie Screening Events
Strategic Partnerships
Social Impact Projects
Free Streaming of Movies/Shows

01. Strategic Partnerships
We partner with churches, ministries, businesses, and individuals to bring movies that matter to more people.

02. Movie Screening Events
Our team hosts screenings in theaters, churches, parks, beaches, bars, and anywhere that has a screen.
03. Free Streaming of Movies & Shows
Through generous supporters we bring you movies & shows at no charge. Please consider making a donation so others can benefit also.

04. Social Impact Projects
Through the power of a movie we want to help orphans, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, encourage prisoners, and stand up for those who can’t protect themselves!
The heart behind MOAM
Listen to Bryan Jennings talking about Movies on the mission, and the vision for the future.